Implement the Vision Zero strategy: reduce the number of road deaths and serious injuries

To achieve the goal of the Vision Zero, a combination of measures is necessary. In its new position the TÜV Association explains the measures in depth.

©Alexander Abero via Unsplash

The EU Commission’s Vision Zero strategy aims to bring the number of road deaths in Europe down to zero by the year 2050. In the Valletta Declaration of 2017, the European Council also resolved to cut the number of serious injuries on EU roads in half by 2030 (compared to 2020). With the number of fatalities amounting to around 25,000 per year in the EU, a lot remains to be done. In order to achieve these objectives, a package of measures is needed that includes transport infrastructure, vehicle safety and traffic-psychological approaches. One challenge will be to meet the needs of the individual for mobility into old age and the aspirations of society to ensure road safety for everyone. It is key to prepare people for modern mobility requirements and to expand their skill sets in these areas.

Our positions:

  • Amend the Driving Licence Directive: preparing people for modern mobility requirements and
  • Use MPU and alcohol interlock programmes as rehabilitation opportunities.

Download the Position

Implement the Vision Zero strategy: reduce the number of road deaths and serious injuries