On transport data and creating a joint European mobility data space

The EU Commission intends to create a joint European mobility data space. The TÜV-Association welcomes the creation of such a data room. The possibility of exchanging data via a distributed international network of equal partners also creates the basis for user-centric and economically successful data use in a democratically organized digital space.

©Jeff Wang/Unsplash

With the creation of a joint European mobility data space, the EU Commission intends to pursue the goals of its strategy for sustainable and intelligent mobility as well as the European data strategy. Data is to be jointly collected, linked and made available in high quality. In this way, the European Data Space is in-tended to meet the demand for higher-quality data and make it easier to retrieve. Building a common European mobility data space offers potentially a unique opportunity to create a homogeneous space for value creation from a heterogeneous distribution of diverse data from many dif-ferent data sources ("fragmented") and to break away from non-European data ecosystems. Countless new business models are conceivable and can be realized much more easily.

The creation of a European mobility data space offers enormous economic, logisti-cal and social potential

TÜV-Association and its members welcome the initiative of the EU Commission regarding the creation of a common European Mobility Data Space. With this initiative, not only an essential element of the EU data strategy can be implemented. Additionally, the possibility to exchange data via a decentralized international data network of equal partners creates the basis for a user-centered and economically successful use of data in a democratically organized digital space.

The current plan description reveals gaps and risks

However, the TÜV-Association and its members recognize a compelling need to expand on the existing initiative with regard to the realization of the objectives of the Mobility Data Space for the European Single Market. Likewise, there is a need for regulations on data flows and data ownership in the sense of a transparent and fairly designed mechanism for consenting to the use of data.

The TÜV-Association expresses its willingness to participate in the ongoing evolution of the initiative in order to expose problems and challenges and to propose solutions. With regard to the requirement that "digitalization increases road safety," TÜV-Association and its members argue that appropriate framework conditions must be created. Otherwise, there is a risk of a contrary trend.



Statement "Transport data – creating a joint European mobility data space"