Exploit the potential of automated driving to increase road safety

Automated driving can save human lives - if the right direction is now taken normatively.

©Chris Curry

Many vehicles on the roads are already equipped with powerful driver assistance systems. They assist vehicle users with specific driving-related tasks, e.g. lane-keeping or emergency braking. Automated driving takes this one step further. Automated systems can completely take over control of a vehicle in specific situations for a limited period of time. According to an analysis carried out by the Transport Research Laboratory for the European Commission, automated driver assistance systems could prevent up to 25,000 road deaths between 2022 and 2037. However, the potential of automated driving to improve road safety will ultimately depend on whether safety regulations can ensure that all vehicles placed on the market comply with the legal requirements and standards of all EU Member States and whether these regulations can keep pace with the speed of technical development. Independent and neutral technical inspection will make a significant contribution to the safe operation of automated vehicles, road safety and environmental protection.

Our Position:

  • Independent inspection of roadworthiness and operational safety of automated vehicles – for their entire life cycle

Download the position paper

Position paper: Automated driving