New vehicle technologies for a safe and sustainable road transport

With the upcoming European Elections in 2024, the course can be set for a European legal framework without road fatalities. The TÜV Association highlights ways in which new vehicle technologies can contribute to greater sustainability and road safety.

The future regulatory framework for motor vehicles in the EU will significantly determine the impact that technological developments in vehicle manufacturing and road transport will have  on people in the European Single Market. In light of the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the Vision Zero for a world without fatal accidents and the challenges of climate change, it is  crucial that the European Parliament remains committed to creating an efficient, effective and just mobility concept for road transport in Europe. Much-needed measures for a comprehensive  view of the vehicle over its entire life cycle and the inclusion of decarbonisation strategies have not yet been politically achieved. There is also a lack of an appropriate  regulatory framework for new vehicle technologies and of a fair access to vehicle information and data. Moreover, new means and modes of transport in the area of micromobility are not taken into account.

What needs to be done

  • Independently assess road and operational safety of all vehicles - throughout their entire lifetime
  • Strengthen cyber security of connected driving
  • Better protect people and the environment

Download the complete Policy Sheet here

"Safety and environmental protection in road transport"