Building trust in battery-electric mobility

The state-of-health of a vehicle battery is particularly relevant for the used vehicle market. In its position paper for the European Elections in 2024, the TÜV Association is calling for standards for a manufacturer-independent method for determining battery health.

A standardised and manufacturer-independent method for determining the battery‘s state-of-health (SoH) is needed to determine whether and for how long the traction battery can  continue to be used for the intended application area. When purchasing a used electric vehicle, commercial and private users are currently faced with the problem that SoH values obtained  from the battery management system are not comparable and only have limited reliability due to a lack of transparency and standards. A standardised and manufacturer-independent  method for determining the SoH is therefore needed to ensure the necessary user confidence in electric mobility systems. At the same time, it also enables a cost-efficient and gradual utilisation of phasedout  batteries outside the vehicle (2nd life) and is therefore an essential element in establishing a genuine circular economy.

What needs to be done

  • Build trust in electric mobility systems
  • Address circular economy aspects at an early stage

Download the complete Policy Sheet here

"Traction Battery State-of-Health (SoH)"